Are you thinking about redesigning the living space in your home? If so, then you might want to consider some popular trends which will ensure your room looks incredible and provides the right benefits. Here are a few suggestions.

decorated living room


Minimal Design 


A minimal design will ensure that your living area feels like a showroom. It’s one of the best renovating tips and ideas if you want your home to feel more modern and contemporary. To do this, you will need to remove some of the additional furniture and accessories. You can consider using a self storage solution to keep these safe if you are not ready to sell them or give them away. 


Natural Materials 


Alternatively, you could consider using a biophilic design when redecorating your living area. This is one of the popular trends for modern living rooms because it will give your room both life and beauty. You should consider replacing your furniture and accessories with pieces made from natural wood and similar materials. You can store your old furniture in a self storage unit if you don’t have space in your home. 


Go Blue

Finally, you might want to consider using blue shades for your living room design. This could mean repainting all the walls and even the ceiling. If you are interested in this possibility, then you should consider emptying the room of furniture completely. This will make things far easier and it’s another reason why a self storage service could be beneficial. Contact Kincumber Self Storage Today!